Datos Mailerlite
[data] => Array
[id] => 134869111070000962
[account_id] => 626987
[name] => Campaña de Prueba
[type] => regular
[status] => draft
[missing_data] => Array
[0] => content
[settings] => Array
[track_opens] => 1
[use_google_analytics] =>
[ecommerce_tracking] =>
[filter] => Array
[filter_for_humans] => Array
[delivery_schedule] =>
[language_id] => 4
[language] => Array
[id] => 4
[shortcode] => en
[iso639] => en-US
[name] => English
[direction] => ltr
[created_at] => 2024-10-11 04:33:27
[updated_at] => 2024-10-11 04:33:27
[scheduled_for] =>
[queued_at] =>
[started_at] =>
[finished_at] =>
[stopped_at] =>
[default_email_id] => 134869111080486723
[emails] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 134869111080486723
[account_id] => 626987
[emailable_id] => 134869111070000962
[emailable_type] => campaigns
[type] =>
[from] => admin@victoraqui.com
[from_name] => Remitente 1
[reply_to] => admin@victoraqui.com
[name] =>
[subject] => Asunto del destinatario 1
[plain_text] => Hello,
You have received a newsletter from {$account}.
However, your email software can't display HTML emails. You can view the newsletter by clicking here:
You're receiving this newsletter because you have shown interest in {$account}.
Not interested anymore? Click here to unsubscribe:
[screenshot_url] =>
[preview_url] => https://preview.mailerlite.io/preview/626987/emails/134869111080486723
[created_at] => 2024-10-11 04:33:27
[updated_at] => 2024-10-11 04:33:27
[is_designed] =>
[language_id] => 4
[language] => Array
[id] => 4
[shortcode] => en
[iso639] => en-US
[name] => English
[direction] => ltr
[is_winner] =>
[stats] => Array
[sent] => 0
[opens_count] => 0
[unique_opens_count] => 0
[open_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[clicks_count] => 0
[unique_clicks_count] => 0
[click_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[unsubscribes_count] => 0
[unsubscribe_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[spam_count] => 0
[spam_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[hard_bounces_count] => 0
[hard_bounce_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[soft_bounces_count] => 0
[soft_bounce_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[forwards_count] => 0
[forward_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[social_interactions_count] => 0
[social_interaction_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[click_to_open_rate] => Array
[float] => 0
[string] => 0%
[send_after] =>
[track_opens] => 1
[uses_survey] =>
[uses_quiz] =>
[preheader] =>
[used_in_automations] =>
[type_for_humans] => Regular
[is_stopped] =>
[has_winner] =>
[winner_version_for_human] =>
[winner_sending_time_for_humans] =>
[winner_selected_manually_at] =>
[can] => Array
[update] => 1
[delete] => 1
[send] => 1
[copy] => 1
[resend] =>
[uses_ecommerce] =>
[ecommerce_stats] => Array
[total_orders] => 0
[total_price] => 0
[multi_currency] =>
[uses_survey] =>
[can_be_scheduled] =>
[cannot_be_scheduled_reason] => Cannot schedule campaign. Some data is missing.
[is_smart_sending_index_option_finished] =>
[is_applied_for_smart_sending_index_option] =>
[warnings] => Array
[recipients_count] => 829
[next_step] =>
[is_currently_sending_out] =>
[can_be_copied] => 1
[has_basic_filter] => 1
[basic_filter_for_humans] => Array
[included_groups] => Array
[excluded_groups] => Array
[included_segments] => Array
[excluded_segments] => Array
[all_active_subscribers] => 1
[is_eligible_for_sending] => 1
[needs_repair] =>